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Cigars, for us, are a way of life. The philosophy is simple – use the best tobaccos to make cigars of the highest quality.

Our cigars aim to emulate the fabled cigar culture of Cuba. From selecting prime tobaccos to controlling the intimate details of the aging process, we take multiple factors into consideration to help produce a truly unique smoking experience. Our cigars are hand-rolled in Costa Rica by some of the most experienced hands in the industry and feature intricate bands representative of the artistic nature of our craft.

MBombay was born at the hands of a former IT professional turned cigar store owner with a passion for tobacco. We apply that same attention to detail to each and every cigar, and have spent countless hours working to procure the finest tobaccos and produce a unique line of high-quality products.

If asked why we began this journey, simply put – we felt something was missing. At Bombay Tobak, we concentrate on aging, proper fermentation, and the importance of patience. Using prime tobaccos and a process of experimentation, we’ve discovered creative processes to produce impeccable cigars at a reasonableprice point. In a world of online discounts and freebie offers, we decided to walk a different path.

We hope you’ll join us.


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Bombay Tobak
1281 N Gene Autry Tr. Ste L
Palm Springs CA 92262

1- (844) – MBOMBAY

1 – (844) – 626-6229